Every Radiohead Album Ranked
I first discovered Radiohead when my parents were having a tidy. My mum had overturned the entire CD rack and pulled out a stack of discs to get rid of, which included a copy of OK Computer. Not really sure why she wanted to throw it out, but regardless I took it, played it, enjoyed it, and then bought more.

The King of Limbs was the last album I obtained, which I was given for Xmas in 2023. It's not bad, but it's very ambient and experimental, and it pales in comparison to the rest of the discography.

An unexpected change in style from the band, A Moon Shaped Pool incorporates a purely orchestral sound into their usual experimental art rock sound. While it can take some time to get into, I did quite enjoy this album; particularly the first track, Burn The Witch.
However, according to most of r/Radiohead, this is ThE bEsT rAdIoHeAd AlBuM eVeR!!!

I think 9/11 and its aftermath caused a sort of social anaphylaxis, which started in the USA but quickly spread to the rest of the western world. This album was partially inspired by the chaos and events of Bush-era Earth. It's very art rock, but worth listening to and overall a very good album. I really liked Where I End and You Begin, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that Sail to the Moon sounded very weirdcore.

The one that started it all, Pablo Honey is an album from back when Radiohead was a grunge band. This album features the hit, Creep, and is a pretty good album, but the first two tracks do most of the work here (in my opinion).

Amnesiac is one of Radiohead's more experimental albums, like Kid A but jazzier. It takes a little while to get into, but it's honestly great. Top tracks include Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box, You And Whose Army, I Might Be Wrong, Life In A Glasshouse.

In Rainbows is a pretty great Radiohead album. More radio-friendly than their later discography, but still with an edge. It's also not often that a song in 5/4 time can be as good as Fifteen Step. I am also a fan of Bodysnatchers and All I Need (CW for the video).

Easily one of Radiohead's best albums, this marked a slight shift away from grunge, instead towards indie and electronic rock. Some of my favourite tracks are The Bends, Fake Plastic Trees, Just, My Iron Lung, and Street Spirit (Fade Out).

The first album I listened to, OK Computer is easily Radiohead's most recognisable work. This album takes a dramatic shift away from the band's previous grunge/indie rock sound and towards art rock. Standout tracks include Airbag, No Surprises, Karma Police, and Lucky.

Kid A has got to be my favourite album by Radiohead. It may not have the lyrics of OK Computer or the radio-friendliness of In Rainbows, but something about it just clicks for me. My favourite tracks are Kid A, How to Disappear Completely, Idioteque, and Motion Picture Soundtrack.
Well, that just about wraps it up. Do you agree with my opinions? If not, feel free to say so when you sign my guestbook. Merry Xmas!